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What We Do

HRAdministrators prides itself in offering tax advantaged employee benefit services.

Our Vision is to educate people about accepting reasonable risk for health coverage, which lowers premiums and increases cost awareness and savings opportunities as health care needs emerge.  Our business is rooted in assisting employees and their families to maximize cash flow efficiency in the pre-tax payment of qualified health care expenses.


We administer Flexible Spending Accounts that assist participants in setting aside pretax dollars to pay for items not covered by typical health insurance including qualified child care expenses.

  • Employees Save by paying out-of-pocket expenses with pretax dollars.

  • Employers Save by not being required to pay FICA taxes on the amounts set aside.


We administer Health Savings Accounts in which participants can pay for qualified medical expenses with pre-tax dollars

  • Unlike an FSA, funds roll over and accumulate from year to year

  • Helps to save for future health care expenses, even into retirement


We administer Health Reimbursement Arrangements for employers with Consumer Directed Up Front Deductible Health Plans.

  • These plans reimburse participants a portion of health insurance deductible. Unused HRA funds may rollover to the next year based on employer plan choices, promoting consumerism. HRA funds are deductible to the company and non-taxable to the employee.


We administer Self Insured Dental and Vision Plans

  • These plans are cost saving alternatives to traditional dental and vision programs.  They allow for 100% coverage to a maximum allowance and eliminate the need to go to a network doctor or facility.


We administer COBRA

  • Our COBRA program is designed to ensure that employers maintain total compliance with COBRA's stringent legal  requirements.


We administer IRC 6055 and 6056 Reporting for 1095 Forms

  • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) created reporting requirements under IRS (Code) Section 6055 and 6056.  Human Resource Administrators, Inc. offers a comprehensive process that compiles the necessary information to prepare required information sharing about health benefit plan details to the IRS and to our employees.


We administer Commuter Reimbursement Accounts (CRA)

  • Expand your Employee Benefits package by offering a CRA which is a commuter benefit program that will save employees money by using pre-tax dollars to pay for work – related commuting expenses.

  • A Commuter Reimbursement Account (CRA) allows for employees to set aside pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible mass transit and work related-parking expenses. This includes, transit passes, tokens, parking passes and more. These tax-advantaged accounts can help you save up tot 30% on your everyday commuting expenses. Find the form HERE.

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